Tel: (954) 715-6000
9AM EST to 9PM EST Monday - Friday

My Story

"I suffer from arthritis, fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome. My hands, feet, right knee and lower back have arthritis in varying degrees. I have found it very difficulty to walk without pain. I have used natural remedies for the pain. I did not want to use other medications because of their side effects. Fibromyalgia gives severe pain in the muscles. In February 2011 I hurt my back which resulted in significant muscle loss. I have spent a year going to physiotherapists, osteopaths and acupuncture to get relief. They certainly helped me and I don’t know what I would have done without their help. I had to have my bowel removed in November 2010 and after the operation I had a very difficult year. My body had to get used to being without a bowel. I had an extremely limited diet because of the negative effect some foods had on my system. In addition I had to consciously choose to stay positive. Little energy and no physical reserves at all were causing me to become depressed. On the 12th January 2012 I started taking SE2. Stem Cell Nutrition. I began by taking 1 capsule a day of StemEnhance (SE2). I was afraid that it might adversely affect me like so many things did. On the second day there were no adverse affects so I took one that night as well. On the third day I took 2 capsules in the morning. I had woken up feeling positive and energetic and decided to take the dog for a short walk.

For me the results of taking SE2 are astounding. It is making more than a difference to my life. The range of food I can eat has increased without negative effects. The pain of arthritis has virtually gone and the fibromyalgia pain is improving. I am back walking twice a day and having to pace myself. I have more energy now and I feel like running! What a joy to walk with no pain in my feet and knee. I need to be sure I do not overdo the exercise routine because I had done no exercise for 14 months.

I will stay on SE2 because of the huge change that I can see is taking place in me. I am more positive about life and now look forward to the future with energy and excitement."

 Barbara Cook